Framing and Insulating The Floor
Waiting for the paint to dry actually took longer then we could have imagined. I've posted this as day thirteen, but actually its two full days later. Having an exposed metal frame in a moist winter season has meant the floor has often been damp and that really slowed the paint down.
We took the day off after painting to relax a little and head to nearby Barrie for an IKEA visit. We purchased my dream table for this bus and I can't wait to show it off when the whole thing is finished!! I've never been so excited for things like this, the perfect table for a space. heehee
On the second day I was teaching yoga in the morning and Phil couldn't wait longer for it to dry so my dad and him rigged up a very effective heating system. We'd tried fans and the propane heater in the bus, but this time they blocked the underneath of the bus off with pieces of plywood and old doors and put the heater under the bus. This proved 100 times for effective and they were able to start framing and insulating.
We took the day off after painting to relax a little and head to nearby Barrie for an IKEA visit. We purchased my dream table for this bus and I can't wait to show it off when the whole thing is finished!! I've never been so excited for things like this, the perfect table for a space. heehee
On the second day I was teaching yoga in the morning and Phil couldn't wait longer for it to dry so my dad and him rigged up a very effective heating system. We'd tried fans and the propane heater in the bus, but this time they blocked the underneath of the bus off with pieces of plywood and old doors and put the heater under the bus. This proved 100 times for effective and they were able to start framing and insulating.
To frame, dad and Phil decided against the most common methods discussed online and decided framing along the length of the bus made more sense to them than across the width. I let them win that argument, though not happily. For me, I'd rather more supports, then less, but hey, they think with the floor width, we'll be fine….I guess we'll just have to see!
The framing was done with 2x2s, holes drilled through where the screws were to go, and then 2 inch self-taping screws to attach them to the floor. They started on one side of the bus with a 2x2, pushing insulation tight to it, and then adding the next 2x2. We had interlocking insulation but had to saw off the tongue and grooves, which was a shame, but we have the insulation so tight between the 2x2s, we won't be loosing but heat.
It got dark, so the insulation couldn't be finished but we'll be back at it tomorrow!
The framing was done with 2x2s, holes drilled through where the screws were to go, and then 2 inch self-taping screws to attach them to the floor. They started on one side of the bus with a 2x2, pushing insulation tight to it, and then adding the next 2x2. We had interlocking insulation but had to saw off the tongue and grooves, which was a shame, but we have the insulation so tight between the 2x2s, we won't be loosing but heat.
It got dark, so the insulation couldn't be finished but we'll be back at it tomorrow!